
Heppner Jr/Sr High students welcomed the PAST into the NEW YEAR on January 3, as we hosted twenty-five Heppner Alumni to present in panels about where life has taken them since graduation.

A HUGE thank you to the following Heppner graduates for spending their morning at their ole stomping grounds, sharing their experiences and words of wisdom with the current Heppner Mustangs:

Dr. Shelley McCabe (Class of ‘02), Tanner Britt (Class of ‘04), DVM Shanna Sallee (Class of ‘05), Josie Miles (Class of ‘08), Torri Nicol (Class of ’10), Brett Harrison (Class of ’11), Garrett Robinson (Class of ‘13), Stephen Thompson (Class of ’13), Tate Gentry (Class of ’14), Paige Grieb (Class of ‘15), Macy Goodwin (Class of ‘15), Patrick Collins (Class of ‘16), Weston Putman (Class of ‘16), Logan Grieb (Class of ’17), Coby Dougherty (Class of ’18), Wyatt Steagall (Class of ‘18), Hunter Greenup (Class of ’21),  Kylie Boor (Class of ‘22), Kason Cimmiyotti (Class of ‘22), Brian Lindsay (Class of ‘22), Hannah Finch (Class of ’22), Paul Lindsay (Class of ‘23), Jacob Finch (Class of ’23), and Madison Palmer (Class of ‘23).

Once a Mustang, ALWAYS a Mustang!