Summer opportunities through Irrigon Parks + Recreation: SCHEDULE

Irrigon Parks and Recreation have partnered with different organizations to provide several summer opportunities to our students. Save the date, and contact Irrigon Parks and Recreation if you have any questions regarding summer programming. Enjoy the sun this summer! Flyer below.

El departamento de Parques y Recreación se ha asociado con diferentes organizaciones para brindar varias oportunidades de verano a nuestros estudiantes. Reserve la fecha y comuníquese con Irrigon Parks and Recreation si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la programación de verano. ¡Disfruta del sol este verano! Revise el folleto.

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Summer opportunities through Irrigon Parks + Recreation: SCHEDULE ENGLISHSummer opportunities through Irrigon Parks + Recreation: SCHEDULE  SPANISH
1005 Washington Street, Irrigon, OR